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Sunday, May 16, 2021

Bakina kuhinja- probajte na ovaj nači spremiti pite zaista su fenomenalne

Bakina kuhinja- probajte na ovaj nači spremiti pite zaista su fenomenalne

Potrebno je:
1/2 kg tankih kora
200 gr sira
1 kašika kisele pavlake
1 jaje
malo praška za peciva
2 veće jabuke
malo cimeta
50 gr suvog groždja
meda u jabuke ili šećer po želji


Kore preseći na pola. Sir izdrobiti dodati jaje i 1 punu kašiku kisele pavlake i izmešati. Jabuke očistiti i narendati dodati suvo groždje i cimeta i zasladiti po želji. 

Premazati 4 kore pa na sredini staviti jabuke  a kore koje su ostale prazne sa strane iseći  na trake i  i ukrštati kao kad pletete kiku. 

Staviti u podmazan pleh. Tako uraditi i dve a sledeće dve nafilovati sa siro,. 

Pitu sa sirom može se premazati sa žumancetom i posutu susamom

Prevod google

Grandma's kitchen - try to make pies this way, they are really phenomenal

It's necessary:
1/2 kg of thin crust
200 g of cheese
1 tablespoon sour cream
1 egg
a little baking powder
2 larger apples
a little cinnamon
50 g of raisins
honey in apples or sugar as desired


Cut the crust in half. Grate the cheese, add the egg and 1 tablespoon of sour cream and mix. Peel an apple and grate it, add raisins and cinnamon and sweeten as desired.

Coat 4 crusts, then put apples in the middle and cut the crusts that are left empty on the sides into strips and cross them as when knitting kiku.

Place in a greased pan. Do the same with two and fill the next two with cheese.

The cheese pie can be coated with egg yolk and sprinkled with sesame seeds

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