
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Bakina kuhinja - pekmez od šipka (Rose hip jam )

Bakina kuhinja -  pekmez od šipka (Rose hip jam )

6 kg šipka
4 kg šećera


Šipak dobro očistiti one crne male glavice pa ga dobro oprati naliti vode da ogrezne šipak  i skuvati da omekne. Zatim ga samleti na mašini za meso. U šerpu sipati tople vode i uzimati po malo mlevenog šipka dobro za razrediti i procediti kroz krupniju rešetku . obavezno staviti gumene rukavice, 

Kad ste sav šipak procedili od koščica sirup procediti kroz sito za brašno dva puta.( pogledaj Video), a zatim staviti da se kuva. 

Ja sam dobila 8 l. sirupa gustoga.  Kad uvri 1/3 staviti 4 kg šećera i mora se celo vreme mešati. Kad krenu gusti beli mehurovi i pekmez  uvri skinuti ga sa vatre.

 Poželjno je sipati malo u činiju i kad se ohladi pogledati gustinu.

 Kad je pekmez kuvan sipati u čiste tegle zatvarati metalnim poklopcima i tegle okretati naopako i ostaviti do sutra, a zati okrenuti i složiti u policu sa ostalom zimnicom.

Video recepta:

Grandma's kitchen - jam pomegranate (pomegranate jam excellent recipe)

It should:
6 kg bar
4 kg of sugar


Pomegranate good clean those black little heads it a good wash and cook to soften. Then grind the meat machine. 

In a saucepan pour hot water and take in a bit of ground rod good for thinning and strain it through a close-up grid. be sure to put the rubber gloves,
When you have all the pomegranate Procédé of pit syrup strain through a sieve for flour twice. (See video) and then let it cook.

I have received 8 l. thick syrup. When uvri third place 4 kg of sugar and must at all times to mix. When you move the thick white bubbles and jam uvri remove it from the heat

  Preferably, pour a little into the bowl and, after cooling to look density.

  When cooked pour the jam into clean jars and lids close the metal pots turning it upside down and leave until tomorrow, and pins turn and agree to the shelf with the rest of preserve.

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