
Saturday, October 8, 2016

Bakina kuhinja - jeftin čokoladni kolač na brzaka ( chocolate cake)

Bakina kuhinja - jeftin čokoladni kolač na brzaka ( chocolate cake)

Potrebno je: 
3 jaja 
1 prašak za pecivo
2 pudinga od čokolade ( 100 gr)
3 - 3 kašike džema
100 gr margarina rastopljenog
100 gr šećera
100 gr čokolade

 Umutiti jaja sa šećerom dodati puding, rastopljen margarin, džem, i prašak za pecivo. Sve lepo izmešati i peći u podmazanom plehu na 180 stepeni C oko 40 min. da lepo porumeni. 

Kolač možete vruć premazati odozgo džemok pa preliti čokoladom ili preliti samo čokoladom. Odličan je sočan i i izvarednog je ukusa. Ja sam kombinovala crnu i belu čokoladu odzgo.. Sladite se.

Grandma's kitchen - (chocolate cake)

It's necessary:
3 eggs
1 baking powder
2 pudding of chocolate (100 gr)
3 - 3 tablespoons of jam
100 gr of melted margarine
100 gr sugar
100 gr chocolate

  Whisk the eggs with sugar, add pudding, melted margarine, jam, and baking powder. All good stir and bake in a greased pan at 180 degrees C for about 40 min. that nicely browned. 

The cake is hot, you can paint over top džemok but pour chocolate or just pour chocolate.

 It is excellent juicy and i izvarednog taste. I have combined the black and white chocolate malt is top down ...

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