
Friday, September 30, 2016

Bakina kuhinja - kako ukiseliti kupus (how sour cabbage)

Bakina kuhinja - kako ukiseliti kupus (how sour cabbage)

Potrebno je:
20 kg kupusa
750 gr soli
30 l vode

Kupus očistiti izdubiti koren i poredjati u bure. U kofu sipati 10 l vode i 250 gr soli dobro izmešati i sipati u bure. To isto ponoviti dok se bure ne napuni. Na kupus staviti pritiskač i odozgo nekakav kamen ili neku težu flašu sa vodom. Pokriti. Kupus treći dan pretočiti i to raditi jos 3 puta svaki drugi dan. Zatim ga ostaviti da se lepo ukiseli.

Grandma's kitchen - how sour cabbage (how sour cabbage)

It's necessary:
20 kg of cabbage
750 gr salt
30 l of water

Cabbage cleaned hollow root and stow the wind. In a bucket to pour 10 liters of water and 250 grams of salt, mix well and pour into a barrel. It also repeated until the bure is full. Cabbage and top presser placed a stone or a serious bottle with water. To cover. Cabbage third day and transform it work even 3 times every other day. Then leave it to a nice sour.

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