
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Bakina kuhinja - propeć pita (pie with cheese and cream)

Bakina kuhinja -  propeć pita (pie with cheese and cream)

Potrebno je:
700-800 gr brašna
100 ml. mleka
200 ml. jogurta
25 gr kvasca

200 gr sira
100 gr kajmaka
3 jaja
1 kašika šećera
50 ml ulja
150 gr margarina

Kvasac potopiti u mleko dodati šećer da se istopi kasac, pa dodati 2 jaja , malo izmutiti žicom. Zatim dodati jogurt i pola brašna odozgo so, sve izmešati varjačom pa dodati još brašna i zamesiti mekše testo dobro obraditi pa pustiti da malo naraste (pokriti krpom ili folijom). 
Testo razmesiti i podeliti na kuglice veličine od 150-200 gr. 

Svaku kuglicu razvući veličinu tepsije u koju stavimo peh papir ili je podmažemo margarinom,a testo razvučemo  i za 2 prsta šire (tepsija 26 sm)  Razvučeni deo namazati omekšanim margarinom pa ga prebasciti preko tepsije i sredinu oblikovati po ivicama unutrašnjosti tepsije.

Tako uraditi i sa ostalim kuglicama. Zadnju razvijenu kuglicu ne mazati već kad i nju stavimo u tepsiju u nju sipati fil, koji smo napravili od izgnječenog sira 1 jajeta i kajmaka. 

Sve lepo razvući po dnu tepsije. Krajeve razvučenog testa sada polako vraćati malo ga stiskati u krug da nam fil ne iscuri (pogledaj Video). Pitu ostaviti da malo odmori. Može se ivice premazati žumanceto i posuti semenkama.ostaviti da odmori 15 - min pa peći na 180 stepeni C oko 40 min. Služiti uz kiselo mleko ili jogurt

Grandma's kitchen -(pie with cheese and cream)

It's necessary:
700-800 gr flour
100 ml. milk
200 ml. yogurt
25 gr yeast

200 gr cheese
100 gr of cream
3 eggs
1 tablespoon sugar
50 ml of oil
150 gr margarine

Yeast soak in milk, add sugar to melt kasac, then add 2 eggs, a little izmutiti wire. Then add the yogurt and half of the flour from above, all mixed with a wooden spoon and add more flour and knead the dough softer treated well and leave to rise a little (or a cloth cover with foil).
Knead the dough and divide into balls the size of 150-200 gr.

Each ball roll into the size of the pan in which we put the bad luck paper or oil the margarine and pastry mortar and 2 fingers spread (Casserole 26 cm) greased protracted part of the softened margarine by prebasciti through the middle of the pan to form around the edges of the inside of the pan.

Do so, and with the rest of the beads. Developed last ball does not smudge more when i put it in a baking pan fil pour into it, which we have made of mashed cheese 1 egg and cream.

All nice stretch at the bottom of the pan. The ends of the stretched dough is now slowly coming back little by squeezing the circle that we fil leaking (See Video). Pitu leave to rest awhile. It can be edge coated with egg yolk and sprinkle semenkama.ostaviti to rest 15 - min and bake at 180 degrees C for about 40 min. Serve with sour cream or yogurt

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