
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Bakina kuhinja - štanglice figaro

Bakina kuhinja - štanglice figaro

Potrebno je:
500 gr šećera
250 gr margarina
200 gr seckanih oraha
 2 lista manjih oblandi
6 žumanaca

Žumaca umutiti sa 250 gr šećera mikserom penasto , pa ih onda mešatina pari (pogledaj Video) i u njih dodati seckan margarin i sve zajedno mešati da se zgusne na pari ili na smanjenoj ringle..jedno 15 - 20 min. Ostatak šećera istopiti u drugoj šerpi da dobije lepu braon boju .

 Žumanca skloniti sa šporeta pa u njih dodati seckane orahe i dobro izmešati, a zatim ih dodati u pržen vruć šećer i dobro brzo izmešati. 

Odmah onako vruće sipati na polovinu oblande. Oblandu obavezno stavite u celofan jer fil hoće malo da leti sa strane zato savijete celofan samo dok se malo stegne, i odmah staviti drugu malu oblandu i pritisnuti nečim ili je jednostavno okrenite.

Dali će Vam štangle biti mekše ili tvrdje zavisi koliko ste dugo žumanca mešali na pari. Ako želite malo mekše onda ih mešajte manje na pari ne više od 15 min... Eto Sladite se !

Grandma's kitchen - štanglice figaro

It's necessary:
500 gr sugar
250 gr margarine
200 gr chopped walnuts
 2 sheets of smaller wafers
6 egg yolks

UMAC whisk with 250 g of sugar foam mixer, but were mešatina pairs (see Video) and add them chopped margarine and mix it all together to solidify steamed or reduced ringle..jedno 15 - 20 min. 

The rest of the sugar in another saucepan melt to get a nice brown color. Egg yolks off the stove and into them add chopped walnuts and mix well, then add them to the hot toasted sugar and stir well soon. Immediately pour the hot way to half wafers. 

Always put the wafer in cellophane fil because he wants to fly a little to the side to bend the cellophane so only as long as a little stretched, and immediately put another small wafer and press something or simply turn. Dali bars will be softer or harder, depending on how long the egg yolks mixed couples. If you want a little softer then mix them less of the money no more than 15 min ... Eto malt is!

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