
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Bakina kuhinja - punjene tikvice /stuffed zucchini /

Bakina kuhinja - punjene tikvice /stuffed zucchini /

Potrebno je:
700 gr. tikvica mladih
1 paradajz 4 čena bewlog luka
50 gr. rendanog kačkavalja
1/2 kg. mlevenog mesa
1 glavica crnog luka
ulje 50 ml.
50 gr. opranog pirinča
1 jaje
1 kašika začina
malo ml. bibera
1 k.k. aleve paprike

Tikvice očistiti , preseći na pola uzduž i izdubiti sredinu. Luk iseći sitno, a šargarepu narendati pa sve zajedno malo propržiti, dodati mleveno meso. 

Dodati beli lik sitno seckan, začin, alevu papriku opran pirinač . Skloniti sa vatre pa dodati jaje.Sve dobro izmešati. Puniti tikvice a zatim ih pokriti kolutovima paradajza. Odozgo prekriti kačkavaljom rendanim. Pokriti folijom i staviti u rernu na 200 stepeni C i peći oko 60 min. pred kraj otkriti foliju da se leo zapeku ..Prijatno dragi moji!

Grandma's kitchen - stuffed courgettes / zucchini stuffed /

It's necessary:
700 gr. zucchini young
1 tomato 4 cloves bewlog Airport
50 gr. grated hard cheese
1/2 kg. minced meat
1 onion
50 ml of oil.
50 gr. washed rice
1 egg
1 tablespoon seasoning
few ml. pepper
1 K.K. cayenne pepper

Courgettes cleaned, cut in half lengthwise and hollow out the middle. Cut the onion finely and grate the carrots but all together fry a little, add the minced meat. Add finely chopped white character, spice, cayenne pepper washed rice. Remove from heat and add jaje.Sve mix well. Fill the flask and then cover them rings of tomato. From above cover the grated yellow cheese. Cover with foil and place in oven at 200 degrees C and bake for about 60 min. before the end of the foil to reveal leo burn ..Prijatno my dear!

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