
Monday, September 26, 2016

Bakina kuhinja - šarena salata (colorful salad)

Bakina kuhinja - šarena salata (colorful salad)

Stari recept:

Potrebno je:
1 kg. karfiola
1 kkg. crnog luka
1 kg. šargarepe
1 kg zelenog paradajza
1 kg krastavčića
1 kg. crvene paprike
1/2 kg. jabuka prokislih neoljušternih
1/2 kg dunja


Sve iseckati U sud sipati 4 l vode, dodati 200 gr. šećera, 100 gr soli, biber u zrbu 125 ml esencije i 1 vinobran.  Naliti izmešati i ostaviti 24 časa da ostoji. Sutra dan  složiti u tegle, zavezati i složiti u tegle.

Bakin recept:

Potrebno je:
1/2 kg zelenog paradajza
1/2 karfiola
1/2 kg. šargarepe
1/2 kg. krastavčića
1/2 kg. paprike
2 jabuke 1 dunja
1/2 l alkoholnog sirćeta
1 l vode
2 kašike morske soli
1 kašika šećera


Povrće iseckati  i naliti sirće u koje su dati svi navedeni sastojci sve izmešati ostaviti da ostoji dva sata pritisnuti sa pritiskaćem i sraviti nešto teško ( ja sam stavila flašu od kisele vode od 5 l.) Zatim spakovati u tegle, staviti pretiskače za tegle sipati presolac zatvoriti i staviti u rernu. Tajmer uključiti na 90 min.gornji i donji grejač i na 90 stepeni C. Kad se tajmer isključi ostaviti u rerni da se ohladi paporedjati u police sa ostalom zimnicom

Grandma's cooking - colorful salad (colorful salad)

The old recipe:

It is necessary to:
1 kg. cauliflower
1 KKG. onions
1 kg. carrots
1 kg of green tomatoes
1 kg pickle
1 kg. red pepper
1/2 kg. Apple prokislih neoljušternih
2.1 kg of quince


All the chop in court pour 4 liters of water, add 200 gr. sugar, 100 grams of salt, pepper in RBU 125 ml of essence and 1 Campden tablet. Pour the mix and leave for 24 hours to Ostoja. Tomorrow day agree in jars, tie and put together in jars.

Grandma's recipe:

It is necessary to:
2.1 kg of green tomatoes
1/2 cauliflower
1/2 kg. carrots
1/2 kg. pickle
1/2 kg. peppers
2 apples 1 quince
2.1 liters of alcoholic vinegar
1 liter of water
2 tablespoons sea salt
1 tablespoon sugar


Vegetable chop and pour vinegar in which they provide all of the above ingredients are all mixed let Ostoja two hours to press the press and sraviti something difficult (I put a bottle of mineral water of 5 l.) Then pack in jars, put pretiskače for jars pour presolac close and put in the oven. Countdown to include the 90 min.gornji and bottom heater and at 90 degrees C. When the timer goes off to leave in the oven to cool paporedjati the shelf with the other of preserve

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