
Sunday, September 4, 2016

Bakina kuhinja - restovan krompir( instant potatoes)

Bakina kuhinja - restovan krompir( instant potatoes)

Potrebno je:
1 kg. krompira
2 glavice crnog luka
peršunov list
začin, biber
aleva paprika


Kromptir oprati u ljuski pa kad se skuva, oguliti ga, i iseckati ga na kockice, Na ulju propržiti sitno seckan luk,pa kad bude pržen dodati začin, alevu papriku i mleven biber. Sve dobro izmešatii. Krompir služiti kao glavno jele ili kao prilog uz neko meso i salatu. Prijatno dragi moji!

Grandma's kitchen - mashed potatoes (instant potatoes)

It is necessary to:
1 kg. potatoes
2 onions
spice, pepper
cayenne pepper


Potatoes wash the shells, and when cooked, peel it and chop it into cubes, fry in oil finely chopped onions, but when it's toasted add spice, cayenne pepper and ground pepper. All good izmešatii. Potatoes serve as the main or eaten as a side dish with some meat and salad. Pleasant dears!

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