
Saturday, July 2, 2016

Bakina kuhinja - projara ( Corn bread)

Bakina kuhinja - projara ( Corn bread)

3 čaše od jogurta belog kukuruznog brašna
200 gr sira
1/2 praška za pecivo
3 jaja
 3 čaše kisele vode
20 gr. kvasca
100 ml. ulja

Umutiti jaja pa dodati u brašno i sve nabrojane sastojeke izmešati da bude smesa redje, ako treba dodati još kisele vode, sipati u podmazan pleh. Peći na 200 stepeni C 30 min da porumeni...

Grandma's kitchen - projara (Corn bread)

3 cups of yogurt white corn flour
200 gr cheese
1/2 baking powder
3 eggs
  3 glasses of mineral water
20 gr. yeast
100 ml. oils

Whisk the eggs and add the flour and mix all the aforementioned sastojeke mixture to be rarely, if necessary add more acidic water, pour into a greased baking sheet. Bake at 200 degrees C for 30 min to golden brown ...

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