
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Bakina kuhinja - pancerote slane (pancerote salty )

Bakina kuhinja -  pancerote slane (pancerote salty )

Potrebno je:
500-600 gr brašna
200 gr. sira
3 jaja
200 gr suhomesnatog
susam, so kim
1 kašika šećera
30gr. kvasca
150 gr. jogurta
150 gr. mleka
kečap, ulje..

Kvasac potopiti u mleku dodati šećer, pa kad se istopi kvasac, dodati dva jaja mleko i jogurt, zatim brašno malo soli i pola šoljice ulja. Zamesiti srednje tvrdo teso i pustiti da naraste, pa ga razviti oko pola sm debljine, seći čašom ili modlicom okrugle pancerote (pogledaj Video) . Umutiti belance dodati sir sitno seckano suhomesnato sve lepo izmešati . Pancerotu premazati kečapomi stavljati po 1 kašičicu nadeva na svaku pancerotu. Presaviti je poklopiti nadev  krajeve pritisnuti viljuškom. Svaku pancerotu premazati žumancetomu koje smo dodali nekoliko kapi ulja. Posutui susamom krupnom solju i malo kimom. Ostaviti da narastu 15 min. pa peći na 180 stepeni C olo 30 min. 
Prijatno dragi moji iz bakine kuhinje!

Video recepta:

Grandma's kitchen - pancerote saline (salty pancerote)

It's necessary:

200 gr. cheese
3 eggs
200 gr meats
drought, are kim
1 tablespoon sugar
30g. yeast
150 gr. yogurt
150 gr. milk
ketchup, oil ..

Yeast soak in milk, add sugar, so when the melted yeast, add two eggs milk and yogurt, then the flour, a little salt and half a cup of oil. Knead medium hard teso and let it grow, and develop it about half a cm thick, cut glass molds or round pancerote (See Video). Whisk the egg whites to add cheese finely chopped cured meat all well mixed. Pancerota primed by putting ketchup 1 teaspoon of filling on each Pancerota. Fold the cover filling the ends with a fork press. Each Pancerota primed žumancetomu that we add a few drops of oil. Posutui sesame coarse salt and a little cumin. Allow to grow 15 min. and bake at 180 degrees C olo 30 min. Pleasant darlings of grandma's kitchen!

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