
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Bakina kuhinja - čokoladni šareni kolać

Bakina kuhinja - čokoladni šareni kolać

Potrebno je:
50 gr. čokolade
1 kašika kakao
2 šolje brašna
1 prašak za pecivo
1 šoljica mleka
3 jaja
150 gr. šećera
1 šoljica ulja

Umutiti jaja sa šećerom dodati brašno, pecivo, mleko i ulje. Sve lepo izjednačiti. Čokoladu istopiti. Testo podeliti na 3 dela. Jedno ostaje isto, u drugo dodamo istopljenu čokoladu a u treće kakao.

Sve dobro ismešamo pojedinačno. U pleh stavimo peh papir, pa naizmenice sipamo testo da nam kolač bude šaren. Pečemo oko 30 mi. na 180 stepeni C Odozgo može glazura od čokolade oli prah šećer


Grandma's kitchen - chocolate colorful collage

50 gr. chocolate
1 tablespoon cocoa
2 cups flour
1 baking powder
1 cup milk
3 eggs
150 gr. sugar
1 cup oil

Whisk the eggs with the sugar, add the flour, biscuits, milk and oil. All nice equalize. Chocolate melt. Divide the dough into 3 parts. One thing remains the same, the second is added to melted chocolate and cocoa to third. All good ismešamo individually. In the pan put the bad luck paper and pour the batter alternately us cake be flashy. Bake for about 30 mi. at 180 degrees C from above can of chocolate frosting school icing sugar

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