
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Bakina kuhinja - baklava sa lešnicima

Bakina kuhinja - baklava sa lešnicima

Potrebno je:
500 gr tankih kora
200 gr. ml. lešnika
300 gr šećera
sok od 1 limuna
1 vanilin šećer

Prvu koru staviti na sto pa je poprskati uljem zatim drugu koju takodje porskate uljem i lepo razmažete četkicom po celoj kori , a zatim pospete malo mlevenih lešnika. 

Kore zatim navijete na tanku oklagiju pa jeskupite , skinete tako skupljenu i stavite u podmazanu tepsiju. (pogledaj Video). Tako uradite i sa ostalim korama. Rolnice premažete odozgo uljem i stavite da se peku na 180 Stepeni C oko 80 min. da porumene. Kad ste ih izvadili onako vruće ih isečete na željenu dućžinu. U šećer sipajte šoljicu vode dodajte vanilin šečer i sok od limuma i ušpinujte pa prelite baklavu .Može vruće navruće. Kad se prohladi sladite se

Grandma's kitchen - baklava with nuts

It's necessary:
500 gr thin crust
200 gr. ml. hazelnut
300 gr sugar
juice of 1 lemon
1 vanilla sugar

First layer put on the table is sprayed with oil, then the other, which is also oil and Real Time Tracking nice smear brush all over the crust, then sprinkle a little ground hazelnuts. Kore then screwing the thin rolling pin but is a set, removing both gathered and put in a greased baking dish. (See Video). So do the rest of the skins. Roll top coat with oil and put them bake at 180 degrees C for about 80 min. golden color. When you remove them so hot they cut to the desired dućžinu. The sugar pour a cup of water, add vanilla sugar and the juice of limuma and ušpinujte but spilled the hot baklava .Can navruće. When the malt is cool

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