
Monday, May 16, 2016

Bakina kuhinja - wholemeal bread with seeds

Bakina kuhinja - wholemeal bread with seeds
Integralni hleb sa semenkama (VIDEO )

Potrebno je:

400 gr. belog hlebnog brašna
300 ml. mlake vode
2 kašike suncokretovo seme
2 kašike bundevino seme
2 kašike ovsene pahuljice
2 kašike seme lana
2 kašike mekinja
2 kašike integralnog brašna
2 kašike susama
1 šoljica ulja
 1 kockica kvasca
1 kašika šećera

Rastopiti kvasac u malo mlake vode i dodati šećer. 
Kad se rastopi kvasac dodati ostatak vode i ulje i brašno i so i zamesiti  varjačom dodati sve semenke  pa zamesiti sa ostatkom brašna srednje tvrdo testo. 

Ostaviti ga u vanglici da malo naraste razmesiti ga pa ga uviti u veknu i staviti u pobrašnjiven pleh da opet naraste. 

Pokriti folijom i krpom. Kad testo naraste malo ga poseći tupom stranom noža pokvasiti ga mokrim rukama pa i odozgo sipati malo od svakog semena. 

Rernu uključiti na 200 stepeni C pa kad stavimo hleb smanjiti na 180 stepeni C i peći 40 min. .

 Pečen hleb ostaviti da se ohladi pa iseći... 

Izvarednan je,  jako mekan a ljubitelji ovakvog hleba će uživati u njegovom ukusu. prijatno!

Grandma's cooking - wholemeal bread with seeds

It's necessary:

400 gr. white bread flour
300 ml. lukewarm water
2 tablespoons sunflower seeds
2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
2 tablespoons oatmeal
2 tablespoons of linseed
2 tablespoons bran
2 tablespoons whole-wheat flour
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
1 cup oil
 1 cube of yeast
1 tablespoon sugar


Dissolve the yeast in a little warm water and add sugar. When yeast is dissolved add the remaining water and oil, flour and salt and knead ladle add all the seeds but the rest of the flour and knead the dough medium hardness. Leave it in a mixing bowl to rise a little to knead it and twist it into a loaf and place in a baking dish pobrašnjiven to rise again. 

Cover with foil and cloth. When the dough to rise by a little cut blunt side of a knife to moisten it with wet hands while from above pour a little of each seed. Turn oven to 200 and when we put the bread reduced to 180 degrees C and bake for 40 min. . baked bread allow to cool and cut ... Izvarednan is very soft and the enthusiasts of this bread will enjoy its taste. pleasant!


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