
Friday, May 27, 2016

Bakina kuhinja - pica ( pizza)

Bakina kuhinja - pica ( pizza)

Potrebno je:
400 gr. brašna
200 gr. kečapa
150 ml. mleka 
malo ulja
1 k.k. šećera
kvasca kocka
200 gr salame
100 gr. kobasice
100 gr kačkavalja
200 gr belog sira

Kvasac potopiti u mlako mleko pa dodati šećer, kad se rastvori dodati ostatak mleka, ulje, brašno i umesiti srednje tvrdo testo. Ostaviti malo da odmori pa ga razviti tanko i staviti u podmazan pleh. 

Prvo staviti kečap pa ga namazati po dnu testa. Salamu narendati a kobasicu naseckati pa rasporediti po kečapu. Zatim narendati beli sir, pa kačkavalj i odougo posuti origanom. Peći na 200 stepeni C 15 min

Grandma's kitchen - pizza

It's necessary:
400 gr. flour
200 gr. ketchup
150 ml. milk
a little oil
1 K.K. sugar
yeast cube
200 gr salami
100 gr. sausages
100 gr of cheese
200 gr white cheese

Yeast soak in lukewarm milk and add sugar, when dissolved, add remaining milk, oil, flour and knead the dough medium hardness. Allow to rest a little while to develop it thinly and place in a greased baking sheet. First put the ketchup it lubricated at the bottom of the test. Salami sausage and grated naseckati but distributed throughout the ketchup. Then grated white cheese, and cheese and sprinkle with oregano odougo. Bake at 200 degrees C for 15 min


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