
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Bakina kuhinja - lisnata pita sa mesom ( strudel with meat)

Bakina kuhinja - lisnata pita sa mesom ( strudel with meat)

Potrebno je:
500 gr. tankih kora
300 gr. mlevenog mesa
1 glavica crnog luka
3 jaja
malo kvasca
malo ulja
200 ml. mleka
100 gr. brašna
malo praška za pecivo
začin, ml. biber i aleva slatka paprika

Na ulju propržiti seckan luk, pa dodati začine. U posudi rastopiti kvasac dodati jaja, pa malo izmutiti žicom, dodati mleko brašno i prašak za pecivo napraviti testo kao za palačinke.

 Prostreti prvu koru, pa je pouljiti, odozgo staviti drugu koru pa i nju pouljiti i dodati nekoliko kašika testa sa jajima i lepo rasporediti, zati i treću koru isto tako. Odozgo staviti četvrtu koru i pri kraju dodati mleveno meso celom širinom. 

Saviti krajeve i uviti u rolnu. Tako uraditi i sa ostalim korama dok se ne potroši sav materijal. Rolnice premazati uljem i posuti malo susamom ( nije moranje) i peći na180 stepeni C oko 30 mi,. Služiti sa jogurtom. 


Strudel with meat

It's necessary:
500 gr. thin crust
300 gr. minced meat
1 onion
3 eggs
little leaven
a little oil
200 ml. milk
100 gr. flour
little baking powder
spice, ml. cayenne pepper and sweet paprika


In oil fry chopped onion, and add the spices. In a bowl, dissolve yeast add the eggs, a little izmutiti wire, add milk, flour and baking powder to make dough as for pancakes. Spread first layer, and is pouljiti, from top to put another sheet while her pouljiti and add a few tablespoons of the dough with eggs and a nice spread, pins and third crust also. From top to put forth crust and in the end, add minced meat across the full width. Bend and twist the ends of the roll. So do with other skins until consumed all the material. Rolls coated with oil and sprinkle some sesame seeds (not a must) and bake at 180 degrees C for about 30 mi,. Serve with yogurt. Pleasant!

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